IRS and State Audit Representation

CPA with IRS rep

IRS Debt Settlements

Are you drowning in old IRS debt? Don’t let the past hinder your future. Our firm specializes in IRS tax settlements and restructuring. After one consultation, we can determine how much of the past tax debt can be absolved. We understand your rights as a taxpayer so let us advocate on your behalf and start negotiating the IRS debt hanging over your head.

Below are just some of the ways we can help resolve your IRS debt:

IRS Audit Representation

An IRS audit can be one of the most difficult tasks a taxpayer can face. In addition to the time it takes away from your business and personal life, it requires you to understand the tax law. We are not only educated in tax law we are also well versed in IRS representation and know our clients taxpayer rights.

A few things to know about an IRS Audit:

State Audit Representation

Taxation, payroll or insurance audit, it doesn’t matter, we can help. Preparation is key in any audit but especially state audits as rules vary state by state. Having representation and/or preparation assistance makes a tremendous difference in the outcome.

Types of audits we can assist you with:

To get in touch with Elite Way CPAs, just call 725-238-0738 or click the ‘Request a Consultation’ button below.